In observance of Presidents’ Day, the Unemployment Insurance call center will not accept inbound calls on Monday, Feb. 17 and Tuesday, Feb. 18. Benefits may be delayed by one day, and claimants may not see their claims online until Wednesday, Feb. 19. Due to inclement weather and the holiday, we have extended some due dates. Learn more.

Status Messages

You can log into Frances Online to see what is happening with your claim for benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Program. 

There are several steps your claim will move through. The status message will tell you what is happening with your claim and if you need to take action.

Initial claims and restarts

After you file your initial claim for benefits or restart a claim, you may see one of these status messages about your claim. Make sure to regularly check your Action Center in Frances Online and U.S. mail for important messages about your claim. Follow the instructions so we can resolve any issues.

There may be more than one issue affecting your claim, and it may take us time to identify other issues. 

Draft Saved

Your application has been saved as a draft so you can finish it later. Your application is not complete. You must complete your application before you can file weekly claims.


We received your application and will review it soon.

Identity Verification Required

We received your application and are verifying your identity. We may contact you with further instructions. We will let you know if more information is required. You cannot file a weekly claim until your identity is verified.

More Information Required

We received your application, but we need more information from you. Check the Action Center.


We received your application. There is nothing you need to do at this time. Please check your Action Center daily. We will let you know if more information is required.

Ready to Claim

You can now file weekly claims. Each week you file will be reviewed for eligibility. We will let you know if we need more information from you, so check your Action Center and U.S. mail regularly.

Weekly claims

After you file a weekly claim, you may see one of these status messages about your weekly claim. Make sure to regularly check your Action Center in Frances Online and U.S. mail for important messages about your weekly claims. Follow the instructions so we can resolve any problems.

There may be more than one issue affecting your weekly claim.

File every week you want to receive benefits.

In progress statuses

You will see these status messages when you file a weekly claim, and we are reviewing your eligibility.

Ready to File

File a weekly claim now.


We received your claim for this week and will review it. There is nothing you need to do at this time.

In Review

This week is not being paid because we are reviewing your eligibility. Please check your Frances Online Messages or U.S. mail for information daily.

  • This does not mean that we have made a decision to deny your claim. You do not need to contact us during this time – if we need information from you, we will send you a message in Frances Online, the U.S. mail, or call you. But it can take time to review all the information to make a decision and some situations can take longer to resolve. 
  • Learn more at What Happens After I File?


We are preparing a decision about your claim.

Payment statuses

You will see these status messages as your payment moves forward.

Payment Started

Your payment for this week has been approved and will be sent soon.

Payment in Progress

Your payment for this week has been approved and we are preparing your payment.


We sent a payment of (amount) on (date). It may take a few days for you to receive the payment.

  • Once we have sent a payment, the amount of time it takes for you to receive the payment will depend on your bank.

No or reduced payment statuses

You may not be eligible to receive a payment every week you file, and these status messages explain why.

Waiting Week

You must complete a waiting period of one week before we can pay benefits on your claim. We did not pay benefits this week because we counted this week as your waiting week.


We have not paid your benefits this week because you are not eligible. Please check your Frances Online Messages or U.S. mail for information about the denial.

Payment Reduced

We reduced your payment. Please check your Frances Online Messages or U.S. mail for information.

Excess Hours

You are not eligible for benefits, because you worked more than 40 hours this week.

Excess Earnings

You are not eligible for benefits, because you earned more than your weekly benefit amount this week.

Maximum Benefit Amount Reached

You were not paid for this week, because your maximum benefit amount has been reached.

Miscellaneous statuses

You may see these status messages in specific cases. These are not common.


Your weekly benefit amount and maximum benefit amount were reduced, which created an overpayment for this week. Please check your Frances Online Messages or U.S. mail for an amended Wage and Potential Benefit Report.


Your bank has returned or rejected the payment. We will attempt to send the payment a different way.

Not Filed

You have not filed a weekly claim for this week. File a weekly claim to get benefits.