How to File a Weekly Claim
After filing your initial claim to apply for unemployment insurance benefits, you must file a weekly claim to request benefits. For each week you want to file for weekly benefits, you must answer questions about your eligibility for that entire week. You must file a weekly claim even if you don’t know if your initial claim has been approved yet, if your claim is in adjudication, or if your claim is under appeal.

When do I file a weekly claim?
File a weekly claim the Sunday after you submit your claim application. This first weekly claim will be for your “waiting week” — the first week you file a weekly claim and meet all the eligibility requirements. Oregon law requires each person who files for unemployment insurance benefits to serve one waiting week per claim. You won’t be paid any money for the waiting week, but claiming the week and receiving credit for it are required.
To request waiting week credit, wait until the Sunday after you send your initial claim application. Use Frances Online and select the “File now” link or call the automated phone system (phone numbers are listed at the bottom of this page) to file your weekly claim for benefits between 11:59 p.m. on Saturday and midnight on Sunday. Continue to file for weekly benefits every week you are unemployed or are earning less than your weekly benefit amount, to request payment.
Until you claim at least one week of benefits, no payments or decisions will be made on your claim, and you cannot satisfy your waiting week requirement. File your weekly claims even if you don’t know if your initial claim has been approved yet. If you are eligible for benefits, the Employment Department may grant you benefits for all the past weeks for which you were eligible, as long as you filed your weekly claims.
How do I file a weekly claim?
Frances Online is available seven days a week.
You can review the weeks you’ve claimed and those that have been paid with Frances Online.
If you’re unable to use Frances Online, you can still file your weekly claim by phone.
The weekly claim phone line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This line is automated, meaning you don’t have to wait for a live representative to answer.
After dialing the toll-free number, you can press a number to answer the weekly claim questions in your preferred language. Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Spanish. Press 3 for Russian. Press 4 for Vietnamese. Press 5 for Cantonese.
Toll free: 800-982-8920
TTY Relay Service: 711
Print documents
If you are unable to use the online or phone options, you can file a weekly claim with Form 127. The form has instructions on faxing or mailing the completed form.
It is available in English, Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Lao, Somali, Amharic, and Arabic.
Looking for work
Actively looking for work means completing at least five work-search activities per week. You must make direct contact with employers for at least two of the five work-seeking activities. Making direct contact with employers means asking about work or applying for jobs in the way the employer wants. You can make more than two direct contacts each week.
Direct contacts
When you file a weekly claim, we will ask for information about direct contacts. You need to provide:
- Employer’s name
- Job title of the position
- Location
- Contact date
- How you contacted the employer (for example: phone, online, or in-person)
- Outcome of the contact
Work-seeking activities
You will be asked to list your other work-seeking activities as well. Other work-seeking activities include:
- Applying for a job that fits your skills and qualifications
- Interviewing for a job
- Participating in reemployment services at your state workforce center
- Updating your resume
- Reviewing lists of available jobs
Learn more on the Job Seeking and WorkSource Oregon page.