Interstate Claims
If people live or work outside Oregon, they may still be eligible for unemployment benefits. Here are answers to some common questions about claims that involve more than one state.

I worked in multiple states or I live in a state other than where I worked. Where do I file?
People who have lived or worked in multiple states over the past 18 months may have questions about where they should file their unemployment claims.
If you have recently moved to Oregon but all of your work in the last 18 months was performed in another state, file your claim in the state where you worked.
If you moved to another state from Oregon, but all of your work in the last 18 months was performed in Oregon, file your claim in Oregon.
If you worked in more than one state, contact any state where you worked in the last 18 months to learn about your claim options.
If all of your work in the last 18 months was active duty military service, any usable military wages will be assigned to the state where you are physically present when you file your claim application. You do not have to be in your state or residence when you file your application.
What if I move out of Oregon after filing an Oregon claim?
When you move to a new state, your unemployment claim does not change. You would continue to use your Oregon claim and file weekly claims the same as when you lived in Oregon. Oregon rules for unemployment eligibility still apply if you move to another state.
If you move:
- Change your address in Frances Online or call us at 877-345-3484.
- Register for job placement services in your new home state and provide proof of your registration to Oregon.