If you have been laid off from the federal government, you may be eligible for benefits. Learn more

Due to inclement weather and the holiday, we have extended some due dates. Learn more.


We are grateful to our partners and community-based organizations for helping us. We need partners throughout Oregon to raise awareness of unemployment insurance among all Oregon workers. We are working to increase the number of workers who are eligible for unemployment insurance to get benefits and improve equitable access.

We are looking for more partners to help us with our mission. We know community-based organizations are effective sources of information and support because you are trusted in your community. Your organization can help workers get the benefits they deserve through:

  • Improving awareness
  • Sharing about how to apply
  • Increasing understanding of eligibility requirements

To join us, please email navigator@employ.oregon.gov.

Partners Guide to the Unemployment Insurance Program

Find out more about helping workers in our Partners Guide to the Unemployment Insurance Program.

Social media toolkit

The Oregon Employment Department is active on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Please share our content with your community.

Social Media Toolkit

Printable outreach materials

Use these printable outreach materials to tell the community you serve about unemployment benefits and how to file a claim.

Handout Toolkit (all languages)

Handout Toolkit (English)