Verify Your Identity to Receive Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Verifying your identity is a necessary step before you can receive unemployment insurance benefits, and it helps to prevent identity theft.
The Oregon Employment Department works hard to prevent fraud and identity theft to protect workers and businesses. You can read more about how the agency fights fraud and how to protect yourself and others at Protect Yourself from Fraud.
You have options on how to verify your identity. The method you choose to verify your identity will not affect your eligibility to receive benefits.
USPS Post Office
You can verify your identity at a U.S. Postal Service Post Office near you. If you verify your identity at a USPS Post Office, you still need to complete your orientation appointment with a WorkSource Oregon agent.
You must sign up in Frances Online before you can verify your identity at a Post Office.
- Log in to Frances Online
- Select "I Want To..."
- In the “Verify My Identity” panel, select “Verify My Identity In-Person at a Post Office.”
- Follow the instructions
After signing up, you will have seven days to complete in-person verification at a USPS Post Office. If you do not complete it in time, you can sign up again through the “Verify My Identity In-Person at a Post Office” link in Frances Online.
USPS accepts these forms of identification:
- State-issued driver’s license
- State-issued identification card
- U.S. armed forces or Uniformed Services identification card (requires proof of address)
- U.S. passport (requires proof of address)
USPS has more information about acceptable forms of identification on its website. The sign-up process will provide a list of USPS Post Offices near you where you can verify your identity.
USPS employees will not be able to answer any questions about unemployment insurance.
Services in languages other than English may not be available at a USPS Post Office.

WorkSource Oregon
After completing your initial application for unemployment benefits, you will need to meet with a trained professional from WorkSource Oregon in person or online. You will need to provide identification documents so this person can verify your identity and help you develop a plan for your career goals.
Use the WorkSource Oregon website to find a WorkSource Oregon center near you.
If you need help in a language other than English, you can verify your identity with WorkSource Oregon. Call the WorkSource Oregon Language Access Line at 833-685-0845.
Acceptable & Unacceptable Identity Documents
During your one-on-one orientation with a WorkSource Oregon Employment Specialist you will need to present two primary documents OR one primary and two secondary documents. Please review the acceptable and unacceptable identity document lists and bring the appropriate acceptable identity documents with you to your orientation.
Acceptable Documents
Primary Documents
Driver’s license (or learner's permit) from a U.S. state or territory (We will accept an expired license if it expired in the last 12 months and is intact.)
Other government-issued photo ID (Must be a permanent document with a photo. Military IDs, temporary or paper documents are not accepted.)
State-issued photo ID (We will accept expired ID if it expired in the last 12 months and is intact.)
U.S. passport (Must be signed)
U.S. passport card
U.S. Permanent Resident Card (I-551)
USCIS-issued Employment Authorization Card (I-766) (No employer-issued ID cards)
Foreign passport
Veterans Health ID Card
DHS Trusted Traveler Cards (Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI)
Canadian driver’s license
Certificate of Naturalization (Form N-550 or N-570)
National ID card (only if residing outside of the U.S.)
Federally recognized, Tribal-issued photo ID
Secondary Documents
Full-color scans and PDFs of the following documents are acceptable as secondary documents
Social Security Card (Must be signed)
U.S. Certification of Birth Abroad (FS-545)
U.S. Certification of Report of Birth (DS-1350)
U.S. Consular Report of Birth Abroad (FS-240)
U.S. health insurance card
U.S. birth certificate with official seal (first and last name)
W-2 form
1098 form
Auto insurance card
Border crossing card
Canadian Indian and Northern affairs card
College or university student photo ID
College or university transcript
DOD certificate of discharge (DD214, DD Form 214)
Auto or home insurance statement
Letter attesting state residency
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recipient certification
Native American tribal document
Non SSA-1099 form
SSA-1099 form
U.S. or U.S. territory voter registration card or certificate
U.S. Coast Guard merchant mariner card
U.S. Citizen Identification Card form (I-197)
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Puerto Rico recipient certification
Secondary Documents That Must Not Be Older Than 90 Days
These secondary identification documents must be in color and must display the following:
Cable or internet bill (showing your account number, full name, and current address)
Water bill (showing your account number, full name, and current address)
Phone bill (showing your account number, full name, and current address)
Gas bill (showing your account number, full name, and current address)
Electric bill (showing your account number, full name, and current address)
Bank, loan, or financial institution statement (showing your account number, full name, and current address; issued by the bank)
Medical bill (showing your account number, full name, and current address)
Pay stub (showing your full name, employer or company name, current address; must be an actual pay stub not a paycheck)
Unacceptable Identity Documents
You cannot use the following documents for verification
Photocopies of original documents attesting state residency
Expired or invalid documents
Company employee ID cards
Digital driver’s licenses or state IDs
Documents that are temporary
Documents that are voided
Forms you fill out yourself
Letters from banks
Unemployment documentation
Unofficial student records
If you would like additional help with verifying your identity, there are several options to request help on our Ways to Contact Us page.
Ways to Contact Us