If you have been laid off from the federal government, you may be eligible for benefits. Learn more

Frances Online Frequently Asked Questions

Frances Online

  • What’s Frances Online?

    Frances Online is the Employment Department’s new, modern, easy-to-use online system for Unemployment Insurance and Paid Leave Oregon benefits.

  • How and why do I verify my identity?

    You must verify your identity to receive benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Program. We may require identity verification at several points during your claim.

    We have multiple ways to verify your identity to make sure that only you have access to your information and benefits. We use several tools to protect your information and your benefits while also preventing fraud. 

    When you create a Frances Online account, we use a variety of tools to confirm your information. You may have to request a Frances Access Letter to help confirm your account. 

    After completing your initial claim for benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Program, you may be asked to verify your identity. We will mail you a letter with a special one-time passcode or a request for additional information if you need to do that. 

    Some people who receive benefits may need to meet with WorkSource Oregon agents in person or online to verify their identity. We will mail you a letter with more information if you need to do that. 

    If you make changes to your account, we may need to verify your identity again. 


    ● Make sure you give us a mailing address that you check often. 

    ● Update your mailing address if you move. 

    ● Log into your Frances Online account and check your Action Center for updates. 

    ● You can respond to these letters in Frances Online to quickly complete tasks. 

    ● A list of acceptable identity documents is at unemployment.oregon.gov/id.

  • Can I verify my identity at a post office instead of WorkSource Oregon?

    You can verify your identity at a U.S. Postal Service Post Office. If you verify your identity at a USPS Post Office, you still need to complete your orientation appointment with a WorkSource Oregon agent.

    You must sign up in Frances Online before you can verify your identity at a Post Office. 

    ● Log in to Frances Online 

    ● Select "I Want To..." 

    ● In the “Verify My Identity” panel, select “Verify My Identity In-Person at a Post Office.”

    ● Follow the instructions

    After signing up, you will have seven days to complete in-person verification at a USPS Post Office. If do not complete it in time, you can sign up again through the “Verify My Identity In-Person at a Post Office” option in Frances Online. 

    USPS accepts these forms of identification:

    ● State-issued driver’s license

    ● State-issued identification card

    ● U.S. armed forces or Uniformed Services identification card (requires proof of address)

    ● U.S. passport (requires proof of address)

    USPS has more information about acceptable forms of identification on its website. The signup process will provide a list of USPS Post Offices near you where you can verify your identity.

    USPS employees will not be able to answer any questions about unemployment insurance.

    Services in languages other than English may not be available at a USPS Post Office.

  • Can I check my answers before I submit them?

    Please take time to read the questions and carefully choose your answers in Frances Online. We have updated the order and wording of some questions. 

    You can check your answers on the “Review” screen at the end of an initial claim, weekly claim, questionnaire, and other submissions. The review screen will list the questions and the answers you provided. Make sure those answers are correct. If you see a mistake, select “Previous” to go back and fix the mistake. 

    You will need to check the “Confirm” box and select “Submit” to complete your response. Once you complete your response, you will need to contact us to update or change the information if you made a mistake or sent incomplete information. That will delay your benefits. 

  • How do I check what I’ve done in Frances Online?

    You can review an initial claim, weekly claim, questionnaire, or other forms that you have submitted through Frances Online.  

    First log into Frances Online. On the Home screen, select “I Want To…” to see more options. On the next screen, select “Search Submissions” in the “Submission” panel. 

    You will see all the submissions you have made through Frances Online during the past 12 months. You can also search by date to look for submissions through Frances Online from more than 12 months ago.  

    Select a submission to review the information you provided. You can also see information about when you sent it and when we reviewed it. You cannot change the selections you made when you submitted it, you can only review them.   

    If you find a mistake, use the “Send a Message” option in Frances Online to tell us. 

  • What do I do if I didn’t get a code when I try to log in?

    We use two-factor authentication to protect your account and personal information. That means each time you log into your Frances Online account, we send a unique code to a cell phone number, email address, or a special authenticator program you choose when sign into your account for the first time. This helps make sure it’s you.  

    Some tips: 

    ● Read the instructions carefully so you know where to check for the code. 

    ● Sometimes it can take a few minutes for the code to appear.  

    ● You need to use the code within 15 minutes.  

    ● Check your spam folder.  

    If you enter the code incorrectly several times, you may be locked out for 15 minutes. Please wait and try again.   

  • What happens if I get locked out?

    Frances Online requires two-factor authentication for improved security. If you have several failed attempts to complete your two-factor authentication, Frances Online will lock you out for 15 minutes.  

    Please wait 15 minutes and then request a new code. 

  • My Frances Online account was deleted. What do I do?

    We deactivate Frances Online accounts after a few weeks if they have not been used to apply for benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Program or Paid Leave Oregon. We also needed to delete accounts created before March 4, 2024, that were not associated with a Paid Leave claim as part of the migration.  

    If your account has been deactivated, you need to create an account. You can use the email address that you used before.  

  • What is changing with the new system?

    Here are highlights of what’s new or improved with using Frances Online:

    • New or improved self-serve features

    • You will need to create a Frances Online account before you can file an initial or weekly claim, restart a claim, or make changes to current claim information

    • Enhanced fraud protection

    • Check your mailbox daily – we still have to send you some information by U.S. mail, even if you choose to get messages in Frances Online with email alerts

    • Instead of your first payment arriving as a check, it will now arrive in the payment method you chose (debit card or direct deposit)

  • Can I use my smartphone or tablet?

    You can use your smartphone or tablet to do everything in Frances Online. The site will adjust to fit the size of your screen. If we ask you to send us copies of documents, you can use your smartphone or tablet to take a picture of the document and upload it as an attachment in Frances Online. The best place to start with mobile devices is frances.oregon.gov/Claimant.  

    You can use Frances Online with any device that you are comfortable using.  

  • I think someone might have used my ID to file a claim, what do I do?

    If you get a suspicious piece of mail, call or text, or see a questionable website or link, you should visit OED’s webpage on fraud for more information and a link to reporting fraud. Be sure to include as much information as you can, such as the website URL, phone number the call or text came from, screenshots, or the body of a text message so that we can investigate.

    On this website, you can learn more about what to do, including information about how to report possible ID theft to the Federal Trade Commission, the Office of Inspector General, and more tips.

    Criminals use stolen identities to collect benefits fraudulently across many states. People who commit fraud appear to use Social Security numbers and other personally identifiable information to apply for and receive UI benefits. This does not mean our systems have been hacked. People who commit fraud or identity theft use information stolen in breaches of other systems or use information they have purchased from other scammers to file for UI benefits.

  • Why is it called Frances Online?

    The name Frances was chosen in honor of Frances Perkins, who was born in 1880 and was a lifetime advocate for working Americans. She was the first female presidential Cabinet member and the longest-serving Secretary of Labor in U.S. history. Perkins was instrumental in forming the Social Security Act and the Unemployment Insurance program.

Creating an account

  • Why should I update my address?

    We will mail important information to the address you give us, including tax forms and decisions about your benefits. You can choose to have most documents sent electronically, but we must send some documents by U.S mail, so it’s important to check your mailbox often. 

  • How do I update my address?

    Submitting a request to change your address is easy, but it will not take effect immediately. After you send your request, we will contact you to confirm the address change to protect your information. Please check your mail for time-sensitive letters, check the Action Center in Frances Online if you have access, and answer your phone. Your Caller ID may not say “Oregon Employment Department.” 

    If you have already created a Frances Online account, log into your account first and take the following steps: 

    ● Select “I Want To…” 

    ● In the “Names, Addresses, and Contacts” panel, select “Manage Names and Addresses.” 

    ● On the next screen, select “Addresses.” 

    ● Select your physical or mailing address, then select “Change this address.” 

    ● If you don’t provide a mailing address, we will send mail to your physical address. 

    ● Select “Add” to add a mailing address if you have one and did not add it before.

    ● After you update the information, verify the address by selecting “Click here to verify your address.” 

    ● Select “Next” to advance to the next screen and then select “Submit.”

    If you are creating a Frances Online account, and if your address has changed since your most recent claim, you will need to update it before we send you a Frances Access Letter. To update your address, please call or send us a message. 

    ● Currently, call volumes and hold times are very high, and we encourage you to send a message through our Contact Us form  so you don’t have to wait on hold. We will respond to every message we receive. Please be patient while we work on your request.

    ● To send us a message: Visit frances.oregon.gov and select “Log on to Frances Online.” 

    ● From the claimant portal, select “Contact Us.” 

    ● Select the program that you are planning to file a claim with (Paid Leave or Unemployment Insurance), then select “Request an Address Change” for the message category. 

    ● Enter “Address Change” in the subject line and include in the message that you need to change your address so that you can request a Frances Access Letter and set up your online account. 

    ● Unemployment Insurance: 877-FILE 4 UI (877-345-3484) 

    ● Paid Leave Oregon: 833-854-0166

  • I got a letter about identity verification that is past the due date. What do I do?

    If you receive a letter from us that is past the due date, you may still be able to complete identity verification and be eligible for benefits. The same is true if you do not complete a task for another reason by the due date.

    To complete tasks after a due date, log into Frances Online to send us a message with the requested information. If you cannot log into Frances Online, use the Contact Us form at unemployment.oregon.gov/contact. You can also call the UI Contact Center at 877-345-3484. 

    After you complete the task, you may be eligible for future benefits even if you were previously denied. 

    Please be patient and send just one message. We need time to review the information you send us. We use the date you sent it to calculate your benefits, even if it takes several weeks for us to make a decision. We will contact you if we need more information. 

  • I have a current claim. What do I need to do to use the new system?

    To use Frances Online, you will need to create a Frances Online account before you can file an initial or weekly claim. If you have a current claim or have already applied, but your claim is still being reviewed, information about your claim will appear in your new Frances Online account. If you have applied for and/or received Paid Leave Oregon benefits, you do not need to set up a new account. You will use the same Frances Online account for Unemployment Insurance.

  • Do I have to create a new Frances Online account if I already have an account for Paid Leave Oregon?

    No. If you already have a Frances Online account from applying for Paid Leave benefits, you will use the same one.

  • What are the numbers on my letter?

    Your Frances Access Letter and other letters from the Oregon Employment Department will have a series of numbers in the upper-right corner of the first page. These numbers allow us to track your claim and make sure only you have access to your information.  

    Note: For the Unemployment Insurance program, only letters sent after March 4, 2024, are formatted as outlined below. 

    From the top, the following items may be included: 

    ● Date Issued – The date on the letter is important because you have a limited number of days to respond to questionnaires, file appeals, and take other actions. The fastest way to respond is through Frances Online. 

    ● Letter ID – When you are setting up your Frances Online account, you can use this code to validate that we are correctly connecting your new online account to information from your existing or previous claim(s). Enter the “L” followed by the 10-digit number to move forward with this process. 

    ● Claimant ID – This number is unique to you and helps us track your account. This number is important – don’t lose it or share it with others. This number should be protected like your Social Security Number. 

    ● Claim ID – This number is unique to a specific year-long application for benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Program. Each year-long claim will receive a unique number (but your Claimant ID would not change). 

    ● Benefit Issue – This number is used to track a specific issue or problem that we found with your claim. 

  • What is a PIN and why do I need it?

    To file your weekly claim by phone, you will need a PIN (Personal Identification Number). Your PIN is any four-digit number you choose. Select a PIN number that you will remember. 

    Your PIN and Social Security Number will identify you when you use the Weekly Claim Line to file your claim. Do not use the last four digits of your Social Security Number, a birthdate, or an easily-guessed number.  

    Do not share your PIN with anyone. It is your responsibility to remember your PIN and keep others from using it. You are responsible for any benefits claimed while using this PIN, including overpayments. 

  • How can I create a PIN without using Frances Online?

    You can create a PIN (Personal Identification Number) by calling the automated Weekly Claim Line at 800-982-8920 and using the keypad on your phone. After you call, follow these steps:  

    1. Select your language.

    2. Select Option 2 – Create PIN or Personal Identification Number.

    3. Enter your Social Security Number (SSN).

    4. Enter your date of birth (DOB).

    5. Enter your Customer ID (this is listed on letters we have sent you).

    6. Enter your primary phone number.

    7. Enter the month you filed your current claim. 

Weekly Claims

  • Can I use the Weekly Claim Line to file?

    The weekly claim phone line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This line is automated, meaning you don’t have to wait for a live representative to answer. 

    After dialing the toll-free number, you can press a number to answer the weekly claim questions in your preferred language. Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Spanish. Press 3 for Russian. Press 4 for Vietnamese. Press 5 for Cantonese. 

    Toll free: 800-982-8920 

    TTY Relay Service: 711 www.SprintRelay.com 

  • I disagree with a decision that the Oregon Employment Department made.

    Any time the Oregon Employment Department (OED) reduces or denies your benefits, we send you an administrative decision. If you don’t agree with the decision that has been issued by OED, you have the right to request a hearing from the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) and have the decision reviewed through the appeals process. Your employer has the same right in some situations.

    If you appeal a decision, continue to file for benefits each week. If the appeal is decided in your favor, you will be paid only for those weeks you claimed on time. 

    For many OED decisions, you can request a hearing to appeal that decision  in Frances Online by selecting "View or Change Benefit Details" and then selecting the "File an Appeal” link. That is the fastest option. Please note the reason that you disagree with the decision. 

    If you don’t have access to the internet, you always have the option to file with a paper form. Please be aware that this takes longer for us to receive and send to OAH. You can also call us to file an appeal and request a hearing. 

    OED decisions made before March 4, 2024 may not be immediately visible in Frances Online. To file an appeal and request a hearing for decisions made before March 4, 2024, you can send a message in Frances Online, use the Contact Us form, send us a paper form, or call. Learn about the ways to file an appeal and request a hearing at unemployment.oregon.gov/appeals.

  • What does it mean that my claim is in “In Review?”

    If you see “In Review” as the status of your weekly claim, it means that we need more information or have found an issue with your claim.  

    We may send you an email notifying you that you have a new action available in Frances Online if we need you to complete a questionnaire.   

    The fastest way to complete the questionnaire is in Frances Online. Go to frances.oregon.gov/Claimant and log in. On your home page, select “Respond to Questionnaire” and complete it before the respond by date, which is listed under the questionnaire link.  

    Be sure to answer the questions accurately. You can attach copies of documents to some questionnaires. This is the fastest way to resolve issues with your claim. 

    Check the Action Center in your Frances Online account every day. If there is nothing there, then we are working on your claim and will review your issue as soon as possible. This could take several weeks. 

  • I’m stuck on work-search activities in my weekly claim. What do I do?

    Most people need to look for work to be eligible for weekly benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Program. 

    Actively looking for work means completing at least five work-search activities per week. You must make direct contact with employers for at least two of the five work-seeking activities. Making direct contact with employers means asking about work or applying for jobs in the way the employer wants. You can make more than two direct contacts each week.

    When filing a weekly claim in Frances Online, you will be asked to list your direct contacts on the “Direct Contacts” Screen. You need to provide the employer’s name, the job title of the position, the location, the contact date, how you contacted the employer, and the outcome of the contact. 

    You will be asked to list your other work-seeking activities on the “Work-Search Activities” screen. This can include activities like updating a resume or reviewing job sites. 

    You will get an error message if you answer “Yes” to the question about looking for work and do not list enough appropriate work-search activities and the required details. You can go back and change “Yes” to “No” if you did not complete the required work-seeking activities. 

    Some people, including those in a closed union or in special programs, do not have to look for work to be eligible for benefits. If that applies to you, answer “Yes” and you will not see the Work Search screen on your weekly claim. 

    You can learn more about the program’s requirements by reading the Unemployment Insurance Claimant Handbook

  • What does “out of labor market” mean?

    If you were away from your permanent residence for more than three days during a week, you may not be eligible for benefits that week.  

    You must meet certain requirements to be eligible for benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Program. Being able to work, available for work, and actively seeking work are part of those requirements.  

    If you answer “Yes” to the question “Were you away from your permanent residence for more than three days last week?” when filing your weekly claim, we will need more information to decide if you were eligible for benefits while you were away from home. We will send you a questionnaire in Frances Online. 

    Please respond quickly because it will have a due date. If you don’t respond by the due date, we will make a decision based on the information we have.   

    You can learn more about the program’s requirements by reading the Unemployment Insurance Claimant Handbook

Payment options and 1099-G

  • How will I receive my first payment from the new system?

    If you have a current Unemployment Insurance claim, your preferred payment method (direct deposit or debit card), will stay the same. You can update your payment method preferences at any time, but your payment may be delayed while we work on your change request. If you are applying for the first time, instead of your first payment arriving as a paper check, it will now arrive in the payment method you choose (debit card or direct deposit).

  • I need help with my debit card.

    If you have questions about your debit card, please contact U.S. Bank at 855-282-6161 or use their app.   

  • How do I get a 1099-G for Unemployment Insurance?

    We will mail you your Form 1099-G for the previous year’s benefits by Jan. 31. 

    After forms have been mailed, you can view and print out your 1099-G in Frances Online. This is the easiest and fastest way to view or print your 1099-G Form. 

    After you log in to Frances Online:

      •  On your Home page, select “I Want To…”

      •  In the Letters panel, select “View Letters.”

      •  Look for a letter called “1099-G.”

    To keep your information safe, we do not email 1099-G forms. They are mailed to the address we have on file. You can always view, download, or print your 1099-G in Frances Online.

Ways to Contact Us

  • I’m trying to call but I’m stuck on hold.

    Call wait times are currently long. Frances Online is the fastest and easiest way to complete many tasks, including to apply for benefits, file a weekly claim, check on the status of your claim, and respond to any questions about your claim.  

    If you need to contact us and can’t wait on hold, using live chat or sending us a message are other options to receive support.  

    Use live chat by going to frances.oregon.gov and selecting the owl icon, then typing “live chat.”  

    To send us a message, log in to Frances Online and select “I Want To...” and then “Send a Message” under “Messages.” Sending a message while logged in will help us respond more quickly. 

    If you can’t log into Frances Online, you can use our Contact Us form. 

  • What if I make a mistake?

    Moving the Unemployment Insurance Program to Frances Online has meant making some changes to the way you can file for benefits.  

    Make sure to check the “Action Center” for questionnaires about your claim. We will send you questionnaires to complete if we find issues in your claim or need more information. Completing the questionnaires quickly and accurately will help us make decisions about your claim. After you complete the questionnaire, you don’t need to contact us.  

    If you think you made a mistake when applying for benefits or filing a weekly claim, you can send us a message through your Frances Online account. After you have logged in, select “I Want To…” from the home screen. Then look under the “Messages” panel and select “Send a Message.”  

    You can select what program and what week the message is about. The more specific you can be, the more quickly we can respond and work on the issue. 

  • I sent a message in Frances Online or the Contact Us form, but no one has gotten back to me. What do I do?

    As we adjust to the new system, we are working to answer as many questions as quickly as we can. We normally respond within about a week, but currently it’s taking us longer. We can respond more quickly if you log into your Frances Online account and send a message from the Messages panel.  

    Please be patient and send only one message about an issue. Repeated messages about the same issue will slow down the process because we must review each message.  

    Keep in mind that when multiple messages are sent, OED may not respond to every message, especially in cases where the issue was already resolved (including through a phone call) by the time those messages were reviewed by staff.